News & Events

Timeline (1945 –)

Bruce Broughton’s trio for viola, horn and piano, Timeline (1945 –), will be premiered on Sunday, October 25 at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. As part of the Faculty Artist Series, the piece will be performed by Don Ehrlich, viola, Jonathan Ring, horn, and Marc Shapiro, piano. The program will also include George Rochberg’s viola sonata and works of C.P.E. Bach and others. Timeline (1945 –) is an autobiographical work in one movement sectioned by dates in the composer’s life. The sections refer to people and/or events using the dates as reference points. It is not necessary to divulge who, what or where the various sections refer to, or even to note the beginnings and endings of the sections themselves. The piece is through composed, unified by certain thematic elements, which often, though not always, announce the various sections that follow.

The performance will be held in the Recital Hall and will begin at 2 PM. Tickets are $20/$15 at the Box Office: (415) 503-6275. For more information, check the calendar of the SF Conservatory of Music at: