News & Events

Broughton Chairs Film Music Symposium In Vienna

Taking place at the University of Dramatic Arts and Music in Vienna, October 9–10, the 2009 International Film Music Symposiumfocuses on the exchange of ideas among noted film music professionals from around the world, with emphasis on bettering the collaborative process.

Workshops, round table discussions, and special sessions comprise the two-day event, with Broughton playing a major role in all formats: a round table discussion on the art of commerce, examining the value of film music vs. traditional classical music; a special session featuring Broughton’s body of work from “Silverado” to Disney, with Q&A from the audience; and finally a workshop, where six Viennese student composers will present their pieces in open critique headed by Broughton.

From there, Broughton continues onward to the Vienna Concert Hall stage, where he will conduct the Radio-Symphony Orchestra Vienna performing his “Silverado” in “Hollywood in Vienna,” a gala concert of film music to take place on October 14. He will also announce the three winning students from the Symposium’s workshop series.

Check out the Vienna scrapbook!